Here are the selected short questions from the overall chapters of Electrostatics which will not only save your exam preparation time but also help you score better marks.
- A comb run through one’s dry hair attracts small bits of paper. Why?
- What do you mean by quantization of charge?
- Vehicles carrying inflammable material and running on rubber tyres always drag a chain along the ground. Why?
- Why do we sometimes experience a slight shock when getting out of a car?
- Distinguish between conductors and insulators.
- More charge can be stored on a metal if it is highly polished than when its surface is rough, why?
- Draw a graph to represent the variation of electric field intensity E with the distance from the centre of a uniformly charged solid sphere.
- A spherical Gaussian surface encloses a point charge q. If the point charge is moved from the centre of the sphere to a point away from the centre, does the total flux through a Gaussian surface change? Explain.
- No two lines of force in an electric field ever intersect each other. Why?
- Define field lines. Draw electric field lines around two point charges separated by some distance.
- A man inside an insulated metallic cage does not receive a shock when the cage is highly charged. Explain.
- Define one electron volt.
- Is it true that at those places where the electric field is zero potential will be zero?
- Electric potential of the earth is taken to be zero. Why?
- A high voltage dc power line falls on a car so that the entire metal body of the car is at a potential of 10,000V with respect to the ground. What happens to the occupants
(a) when they are sitting in the car and
(b) when they step out of the car?
- Two identical capacitors are connected in series. Is the resulting capacitance greater or less than that of each individual capacitor? What if they are connected in parallel?
- Could one define a capacitance for a single conductor? What would be a reasonable definition?
- Is dielectric strength the same as dielectric constant?
- Is it possible to charge a capacitor to any potential?
- Can a sphere of radius 1cm have a charge 1 coulomb?
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